21 April 2008

domo obsession

so i'm obsessed with this little guy

i found him by accident one day while i was shopping and spending the money that i should have been saving for project relocation.

i now want this

and maybe this too

and of course a shirt would be pretty nice to have as well

no one else really shares this obsession or really understands it. lol. during my blog snooping i found this guy who posts pictures of this stuffed animal doing everything with him. so basically wherever this guy goes his cow goes. i think me and my domo doll should be the same way. that will be my blog. my life acted out by my domo doll.

stay tuned if you don't think it is incredibly lame.

he's brown and screaming what is not to like?!!


T said...

Lol. I still think he's a testicle, BG!

Anonymous said...

I also am obsessed with Domo. :) I found your blog trying to find a picture of Domo, actually!

Saibottomus said...
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kate said...

i'm also a fan of this cute lil guy.
I actually found your blog, by googling a picture of him. I'll stay tuned for your exciting adventures!!

Unknown said...

OMG I freakin love domo i have pix. of him on my binder for school pix. of him on my wall.I totally want that shirt you showed a pix. of!!! :3